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Zarya Alatau

In Latvia – late season

Fruits medium or larger, globose conical or oblong, smooth, yellow with orange blush; part of fruits without blush. Lenticels conspicuous, greyish. Without thinning fruits may be small. Skin thin, greasiness low.

Harvest about the same time as ‘Ligol’, in LV - beginning of October. Rather short harvest window. If picked early, shrivel in storage. If picked late, may develop watercore, lenticel spot, sooty blotch.

Stores 6...7 months or longer in common storage. Suitable also for ULO storage.


Long or medium, medium thick

Stalk cavity : medium deep or deep, medium wide russet weak or medium.


Open, large, sepals long.

Eye basin : medium deep or deep, medium wide.


cream yellow, firm, crisp, juicy.

Brix : 13 %

Flavour : subacid, aromatic, good to very good.

Firmness : (at harvest) 7 kg/cm2

Seed locules : open or semi-open

Titrable acids : 0.5...0.7 %

About the cultivar

Origin: Kazahkhstan, open-pollinated seedling of ‘Reinette d’Orleans’, 1962.

Use : dessert, processing (especially good for puree).

Tree : medium vigour, tendency to form an upright crown; needs spreading of branches and maintenace of strong new growth

Winterhardiness : in Latvia good

Disease tolerance : good

Type of production : highly productive, tends to become biennial, needs fruit thinning