Aija |
Ripening time: mid-season, from I till II decade of July in LV. Fruit size: medium. Fruit shape: circular. Skin color: yellow with light red blush that covers the most part of fruit surface. Fruit firmness: soft, resistant to cracking. Taste: sweet. |
The length is medium (37 mm).
Circular, in medium size.
Fruit flesh color: cream.
About the cultivar
Originated in Latvia, Dobele. Initial name of selection was PU 3991.
Registered in LV in 1998, protected in LV.
Use : fresh fruits for dessert, in processing - for sweetening of juices.
Tree : strong vigor, medium dense and semi-upright canopy.
Winterhardiness : of trees and flowerbuds is good in LV.
Resistance to diseases : tolerant to cherry leaf spot, medium tolerant to brown rot.