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Bryanskaya Rozovaya

Ripening time: very late, from II decade of July to I decade of August in LV.

Fruit size: small.

Fruit shape: oblate.

Skin color: vermillion on yellow ground.

Fruit firmness: firm, fruit cracking in rainy weather occurs at very low level.

Taste: sweet for fully matured fruits.


The length is medium.


Broadly elliptic, in medium size.


Fruit flesh color: cream.

About the cultivar

Originated in Russia, it is seedling from ‘Muskatnaya Chornaya’ in free pollination.

Registered in Russia in 1993.

Use : fresh fruits for dessert.

Tree : strong vigor, medium dense canopy with wide branching angles.

Winterhardiness : of tree and flower buds is high in LV.

Resistance to diseases : tolerant to most of diseases.