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Workshops on Seabuckthorn

This year the series of online Workshops on Seabuckthorn, organized by Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies, German Seabuckthorn Society and Latvian Seabuckthorn Union will be continued. You are kindly invited to participate this great event and discuss the most urgent tasks in the field of seabuckthorn. As usual worldwide known specialists and experts will provide comprehensive presentations on different topics related to seabuckthorn. Feel free to attend meeting both as presenter and listener. Your ideas directed to improvement of the event as well as thought on new topics of our meetings are highly appreciated.

At the moment three Workshops within the year 2022 are planning.

Workshop on Seabuckthorn: EuroWorkS-OnAir-22a “Health benefits of seabuckthorn: use as food and medicine. Technologies of SBT processing: new trends and novel products” (24.05.2022.);

Workshop on Seabuckthorn: EuroWorkS-OnAir-22b “Seabuckthorn field technologies: water management, fertilization, pests and diseases control” (23.08.2022.)

Workshop on Seabuckthorn: EuroWorkS-OnAir-22c “New seabuckthorn varieties for different soil and climate conditions: characteristics of growth, yield and quality” (22.11.2022.)

Deadline for registration submission: 14 days prior the Workshop

The official language of the Workshops: English

Please follow program and registration details here.

Previous Workshops on Seabuckhtorn please find on site of "EuroWorkS online"


Submitted on: 18/02/2022