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App "Resistant apples"

As one of the knowledge transfer tools of the InnoFruit project, the “Resistant apples” application has been developed. It is an application where you will find a detailed description of the apple cultivars resistant to the scab. Cultivars are suitable for growing in Latvia, Lithuania and/or Poland, depending on their winter hardiness. They are suitable for orchards with organic farming methods and also commercial growing. The fruits are pictured and described from different aspects, including cross-section, which will allow the recognition of these apple cultivars. You will find information also about the quality characteristics of the fruits, the nature of the growth and production of the cultivar, and its origin.

It was developed by the breeders and scientists at the institutes of horticulture in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The application is available in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, English and Russian, as determined by the settings of the smart device. The app is available to Android device users and is searchable for Google Play and App Store for iPhone users.

The developed application is suitable for all persons interested in fruits of Baltic Sea region, including growers, consumers, students and researchers.

These materials were prepared in the frame of project “Development of Non-Technological and Technological Innovation in Fruit Growing and Processing in the Countries of the Baltic Sea Region" (InnoFruit) in Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.


Submitted on: 24/01/2019